A completely normal irc chat

Originally this story was posted on the creepypasta wiki before being deleted only five minutes after upload for quality reasons. Enjoy my cliche as balls pasta. Please forgive me for this abomination.
after the deaths of three friends, the police found out that
the three of them had been chatting online right before
their deaths. they were chatting on IRC, a anonymous
chat program invented in the 60s. this is the only piece of
evidence that the police could find. a chat log that took
great lengths to get. the reason they cared so much was
the fact that the three were killed on may 2, an infamous
date for the town. you see, may 2 was the day that tons
of other murders took place. but these weren't ordinary 
murders. these murders had the victims' body parts cut
off and spread across their homes,with blood everywhere.
there is little information on the killer. at approximately
5:08 PM a mysterious user logged on and spoke in Base64,
an encoding method to send secret messages. two of the
main users' friends logged off very abruptly and quickly.
the IP addresses have been censored for privacy reasons.
[16:08] him [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has joined #fws
[16:08] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify .
[16:09] him has changed nick to him____
[16:09] who is this guy
[16:09] idk
[16:09] who are you
[16:10] hes not answering
[16:10] dude leave
[16:10] d
[16:10] what the heck does ""�[Dd mead�b�n
[16:10] lol you messed up your spelling
[16:10] sorry lol
[16:10] tell us who you are, dude
[16:11] this is a private chat
[16:11] say something
[16:11] wtf
[16:11] leave
[16:11] just leave, man
[16:11] bm8=
[16:11] wtf
[16:12] what
[16:12] just leave, nerd
[16:12] wait a sec
[16:12] i recognize that
[16:12] what
[16:12] it's base64
[16:12] lemme translate it, hold on
[16:12] just leave
[16:13] it says "no"
[16:13] weird
[16:13] bm9ub25vbm9ub25vbm9ub25vbm9ub25vbm9ub25vbm9ub25vbm9ub25v
[16:13] wtf
[16:14] j�what the heck is this guy doing
[16:14] "jwhat"
[16:14] jsusfhisdlfg
[16:14] lolwut
[16:14] just say something or leave,
[16:15] dude
[16:15] ZG8geW91IGtub3cgd2hvIGkgYW0=
[16:15] "do you know who i am"
[16:15] no
[16:15] no
[16:15] wtf
[16:16] what dude
[16:16] my monitor just flickerEd or something
[16:16] it never does that
[16:16] it's probs nothing
[16:16] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] die
[16:17] diediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediediedie
[16:17]  wahiusfgdf
[16:17] what the hell
[16:17] my monitor went off for like a minust��te
[16:18] mine too dude
[16:18] this is starting to freak me out
[16:18] we should leave and come back
[16:18] yeah
[16:18] nerd-lord-72 [~nerd-lord@[CENSORED]] has quit [Quit: nerd-lord-72]
[16:18] sandwichlord72 [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has left #fws []
[16:19] him____ has changed nick to helphelphelp
[16:19] helphelphelp has changed nick to HIM_____________
[16:20] nerd-lord-72 [~nerd-lord@[CENSORED]] has joined #fws
[16:20] sandwichlord72 [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has joined #fws
[16:20] WTF
[16:20] should we kick him or something
[16:21] ill privat e chat him
[16:21] kek
[16:21] nvm
[16:21] both of us should do it
[16:21] kek
[16:21] eW91
[16:22] "you"
[16:22] what the hell
[16:22] fuck off
[16:22] leave
[16:22] NOW
[16:22] aSBmb3VuZCB5b3U=
[16:22] "i fount y
[16:23] what
[16:23] sandwichlord72 [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has left #fws []
[16:23] what
[16:23] he left
[16:23] crap
[16:23] i am going to cll one of my other friends
[16:24] john_johnson [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has joined #fws
[16:24] lol
[16:24] what happened
[16:24] chris just e�went offline
[16:24] why
[16:24] i don't know he stopped mid n�sentence
[16:24] what did he say
[16:25] i found you or se�omething
[16:25] creepy
[16:25] and this weirdo tyi�ping in base64 ceeps����keeps on sending creepy mesa�sages while chris ty�ranslates them
[16:25] that's why he said found you
[16:25] that's creepy
[16:26] hey fuckface
[16:26] leave the chat now
[16:26] i'll call the admins
[16:26] i just heard a bang in my room
[16:26] what the hell
[16:26] i hear
[16:26] footsteps what the hell
[16:26] i'm getting the gun
[16:26] brb
[16:27] shit
[16:27] fdxrtyughiopdfxzghjkl;'
[16:27] john_johnson [49240328@gateway/web/freenode/ip.[CENSORED]] has left #fws []
[16:27] what the fucking hell are you doing
[16:27] leave
[16:28] bnou�w you're telling me to leave
[16:28] nerd-lord-72 [~nerd-lord@[CENSORED]] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]